Hey there! What are you doing to mark one year since the beginning of the COVID shut down? Nothing, you might be saying. I mean, who wants to celebrate something so awful! But, a big part of being able to Be Bold + Thrive in your business and life is to squarely face an uncomfortable situation, see it for what it is …and then flip it to some kind of advantage. Turn it into an important lesson learned for the future. Reframe it into an insight for growth. Let go of what’s no longer working for you. And make you stronger. Start by remembering: Where were you a year ago when the pandemic quarantine started? What were you doing? How were you feeling? Then reflect: How did you respond over time? What did you learn about yourself and about dealing with change? Lastly, take a moment with family, friends, or colleagues to acknowledge and celebrate that even though the situation has been difficult, YOU are better and stronger because of it! Slap a high-five, give a huge, or offer a cheer. Or go for a 50-mile bike ride!

This past weekend I celebrated meeting a personal challenge of riding the 50-mile VA Capital Trail once each quarter since the shutdown!
It was also the Saturday exactly a year later from the first time being on a bike in nearly 20 years. A year ago I never imagined doing any of this.
Getting into cycling has really taught me a lot, and I have my biking buddies Shannon Loy and Carolee Shank to thank for encouraging me to get back in the saddle.
As part of my celebration, I wanted to revisit what cycling has taught me about staying strong during a crisis. Click here to read more!
Want a step-by-step guide to create your own simplified revenue plan? Then grab the Be Bold + Thrive 2021 Guide! It's only available for a few more weeks. Download it for free here.