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[Level Up] "I've Had the Best Two Years of My Life!"

Mary Foley


Your fairy Godmother shows up.

She waves her magic wand.

Suddenly you’re transported 2 years into the future.


You are excited about your life and have a deep sense of fulfillment.

A longtime friend you haven’t seen in 2 years approaches you.

She asks, “Hey there, how are you doing?”

You respond:

“I’ve had the BEST 2 years of my life!”


She wants to know why.

You pour a glass of wine and can’t wait to tell her everything.

If YOU were the one pouring a glass of wine, what would you share with your friend? How would you describe your life 2 years from now?

You know how the last 2 years have changed you and your business. And that was in reaction to a tough situation.

Imagine if you took all those losses and gains and used them to dream about the next 2 years of your life. Proactively. So that you have a clear vision for you and your business as you move through the planned and the unknown of the next 2 years.

That’s what a savvy group of women entrepreneurs took time to do last week at the REV UP Retreat.

We imagined, pondered, dreamed, and schemed about what our next level looks like. In fact, they said it was one of the biggest take-aways of the retreat.

You can do this, too. Here’s how:

1. Take 15 minutes to answer: What do me and my biz look like 2 years from now?

As you craft your response, consider…

  • How do you FEEL about yourself? Your biz?

  • What brings you fulfillment and joy?

  • What do you enjoy most about your biz?

  • Who are your ideal clients?

  • How would you describe your client relationships?

  • What problems are you solving?

  • What services/products do you offer?

  • Who is helping you make your biz goals happen?

  • How well is your business funding the lifestyle you want?

  • What does your day-to-day look like?

  • How would you describe your relationships with loved ones, family, and friends?

  • How are you practicing self-care?

  • How have you changed from the inside out to live and love your future life?

2. Schedule time 2 days from now and again 5 days from now to review your answers. Lily Tomlin said, “I always wanted to be somebody, just wish I’d been more specific.” What do you need to add to your vision? What’s missing? What needs more description?

3. What’s one word or phrase that sums up your vision of you and your biz in 2 years?

There’s power in having a single word or phrase to keep you focused and inspired towards your true north. Write it where you will see if every day (for example, a sticky note on your monitor, background image on your phone, or on the front of your daily planner).

One last thought: Most people in your life won’t do this.

Because they knowingly or unknowingly believe that dreaming is setting themselves up to fail or feel bad about themselves. And, anyways, the world is still so unpredictable and crazy feeling so why bother.

But that’s not you. You’ve had visions of what you’ve wanted in the past, you’ve moved towards them, and they happened. You know it’s possible again. And in your heart of hearts, you don’t want to give up.

The truth is your best days and version of you can be ahead. If you choose. It starts with imagining what that looks like. So, pour that glass of wine (or whatever). I can’t wait to hear everything! (Seriously, post it below!)


Plus, whenever you’re ready here are 2 ways I can help rev up you and your business as a women entrepreneur:

  1. Sign-up for the Stay Strong + REV UP email series. We’ll take one topic at a time and break it down so you get the strategies, insights, and mindset shifts you can use right away.

  2. Apply now for REV UP Society membership starting July 1. Book a call. to determine if membership is a good fit. You will talk about where you are today, where you want to be, and what you need to rev up and level up.


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