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[Level Up] Get Claricited about Your 2023!

Mary Foley

In case no one has told you today, you have what it takes.

To grow your business. To achieve a personal goal. To be awesome.

But that doesn’t mean you are doing (and not doing) what it takes.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying you’re not taking action. I bet you are! And I applaud you for keeping at it.

I’m just noticing that many entrepreneurs are getting “crispy” and tired.

I’m also noticing that many people, even those who are successful, are looking to do things differently.

After all, you’ve learned a lot the last few years about what you like, what you don’t like, and what you want more or less of going forward.

So, whether you’re feeling a bit weary from this past year, or you want to level up, here’s a simple, powerful activity that will leave you claricited.

What’s claricited?

It’s the feeling of excitement you get when you’ve got clarity that energizes you to take action and move forward. It’s a new word my client Kim Eley and I made up. Cracks me up just saying it!

Want a fast track to clariciment? This 15-minute activity will get you there!

#1 - Write down 3 specific goals you want to achieve in 2023

Business goals.

Personal goals.

Or Both.

#2 – Brainstorm these 3 lists, then circle the items that you believe have the most impact

One list is what you will STOP doing to make these goals possible.

One list is what you will START doing to make these goals possible.

One list is what you will CONTINUE doing to make these goals possible.

For example, do you need to STOP…

  • Attending certain networking events that no longer offer new ideas or the right connections?

  • Offering services that now take more time and effort than you care to give?

  • Screen time after 8 pm so you can prepare your mind for a good night’s sleep?

Do you need to START…

  • Reaching out virtually to create new connections?

  • Attracting higher quality clients and raising your fees?

  • A new routine for self-care?

Do you need to CONTINUE…

  • Being an active member of a professional association?

  • Consistently take a pulse of your clients’ needs?

  • Exercise 3 times a week?

#3 - Gives yourself permission

Permission to let go of what’s no longer working well enough.

Permission to focus on what energizes you.

Permission to unapologetically keep doing what’s working.

Do these 3 steps and notice how you begin to feel claricited! Clarity truly is power.

Because as you get super clear, you gain new excitement to do what it takes. To grow your business. To achieve a personal goal. To be awesome.


Sign-up for the Stay Strong + REV UP email series. We’ll take one topic at a time and break it down so you get the strategies, insights, and mindset shifts you can use right away.


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