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[Be Bold + Thrive] Do Clients See You as a Magician or a Mule?

Mary Foley

When you solve problems for clients, do they see you as a magician or a mule?

The answer is an important distinction. Especially if you want to be bold and thrive in 2021. And critical if you’re aiming for your biggest contribution and impact yet.

A magician waves their wand and boom! The client’s problem is solved! It feels like magic because they don't know how to do it themselves.

Think accounting or cybersecurity or social media marketing that truly works. That’s not the client’s specialty, that's not their expertise, and it feels a bit mysterious. But, dang, they want it d-o-n-e!

Compare this to a mule. A mule is important. A mule does valuable work. But a mule does stuff your client doesn’t like to do or doesn’t have the bandwidth to get done.

They don't have the time, they don't have the people power, and they don’t want to put off getting it done. Mules are like an extra pair of hands that are appreciated but often undervalued.

Every client you have right now with a big problem wants you to be a magician. They want you to wave a magic wand and have it solved.

(By the way, YOU may feel a bit mule-ish at times being the magician. Being a real magician takes real work. But the point here is how your CLIENT feels.)

Clients will pay more for magician work. They more highly value and expect to pay more for transformational solutions.

Because real transformation requires energy, you need to be passionate and energized to solve their problem. You will need personal juice to figure out how to solve their problems and keep at it.

Which means:

Your client's big problems


Magical/Transformational solutions


Your Passion


Your Biggest Contribution

This is the formula to be bold and thrive in 2021 (and always)!

Want a step step-by-step guide to help you identify your client’s biggest problems and magical solutions? Then grab the In the Be Bold + Thrive 2021 Guide and flip to pages 4 – 7. Download it for free here.


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