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5 Minute Pivot: Kim Eley

Mary Foley

Kim Eley is one of those people you love to be around. She’s warm, positive, and always smiling. Her energy is so contagious there’s no way to not interact with her and not feel lighter!

But when the pandemic hit, she was “one little freaked out mama!”

Her #1 fear for her KWE Publishing business was that people would no longer need or hire for her. They had bigger things to deal with. Right?!

It’s a fear so many entrepreneurs have when things suddenly change. You wouldn’t be human if you didn’t go “Oh snap!” like Kim said she did.

But she didn’t want to stay freaked out. She wanted to feel her usual positive, hopeful, contagious self.

In her 5 Minute Pivot story, she shares the very next steps she took. Steps you can take, too, especially as uncertain times continue.

Plus, she shares the results of her pivoting that she never expected. And totally challenged her assumption and fear that her clients and business would disappear. Click and listen!


Free video series to keep your cape flying

during re-opening and beyond!


  • The most important thing you need to do right now to increase your revenue

  • 4 simple, powerful steps to get more hiring and buying “yesses”

  • Why doubling down on a few marketing strategies will get you farther faster

  • Your #1 revenue generating superpower that will NEVER fail you!

  • The key to being fearless in a world of fearful


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