Are you a woman entrepreneur ready to renew your red cape, shazam confidence?
Let's turn one crazy, strange, tough year into your biggest contribution and success yet!
Jumpstart your year by crafting your 2021 plan to thrive...
in real-time with other inspiring, like-minded women entrepreneurs!
Invite a Friend + Come Together!
At this Live Event You Will:
Get a huge boost of new confidence that YOU CAN thrive in 2021!
Connect with positive, like-minded women who are just as serious about growing their business as you are
Determine your biggest insights from 2020 to take forward and let go of the rest
Identify the biggest problems you can solve that truly motivate you and transform your clients
Feel the energy and momentum as you craft your 2021 plan in real-time!
Hey there, my name is Mary Foley, founder of the REV UP Society for women entrepreneurs. If we haven’t met yet, let’s change that.
Join me for this live event as I share super practical ideas, inspiration, and a bit of lighthearted fun for you to turn all this crisis into your greatest contribution and success yet.
Let's Be Bold + Thrive in 2021!
Have you heard about the REV UP Society? -->
© Mary Foley | Bodacious Ventures, LLC | 2020